Rory James: 6 months

Thursday, June 19, 2014

I can't believe it has been over 6 months with my love and I have yet to gush over him on the blog. I feel like I have reached over sharing status on instagram, so I guess the only logical thing to do is to start photo dumping and lamenting on his milestones in a place where one can avert there eyes if need be.

So here we are, over six months in and I can say with all honestly that parenthood has been the most unbelievably awesome thing. I still stare at him in wonder and awe that he was once was in my belly and I am part of his creation. He is a joy and such an easy going baby. He started sleeping the night around 2.5 months (praise jesus, sleep deprivation is no joke) going to bed around 7, waking up around 7:15. We started solids (avocados & watermelon are his favs at the moment) but still prefers the boob milk. He is definitely a mommas boy and loves to give me slobbery open mouth kisses and tug on my hair. Needless to say we are in love. Rory James is such a special little dude.

I am so glad that in my sleep deprived stupor that first month that I began this little photo series you see above. Each month I wheel down my ikea office chair from my office upstairs, put it in front of our white curtain in our bedroom and take a pic. Love seeing how much he changes month to month and you can see his little personality develop in these as well. Ahh so cute!


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