the Taqueria on Broad

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Logo for The Taqueria on Broad, a new restaurant opening up near Georgia State. I have done another logo for this client and our aesthetics blend so nicely together, such a pleasure to work with him again. He wanted to explore having an icon along with the type treatment that was true to the his heritage. We landed on a stylized rooster. Pleased with how it turned out. More on this project to come!


Monday, February 16, 2015

I recently had the pleasure of doing a logo for a modern children's online clothing retailer, luxtots. Here is what we came up with along with some of my preliminary explorations.

Rory turns one

Saturday, October 25, 2014

It's crazy to think in one short month my baby will be one.  I will save you the sap, but needless to say he has stole my whole heart and I hope be never gives it back. Here's to you Mr. Rory man, momma loves you. Can't wait to celebrate your first year of life.

Designer Crush 01 // Corina

Monday, October 13, 2014

I am totally crushing on the work of graphic designer, Corina. I am so envious of designers who have amazing handtype work because this is something that doesn't come easy for me. Corinna in particular has a fluidity and naturalness in her handtype that I admire. Check out her blog and portfolio to find out more about this talented lady.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Some recent branding work for Brutto Enterprises. A private business consulting enterprise, run by an incredibly inspiring man, whom I am lucky to call my father. Such a fun opportunity to help him with the branding of his new business venture. **more to come soon.


Monday, June 23, 2014

Ever since having Rory my interest in photography has only grown. I don't whip out the camera often and I am still working with a kit lens, but I can't help but "play" photographer with my cute little subject. I am hoping to post more about my attempts at this whole photography thing...sharing tips, some of my favorite photoshop tricks and what not. I am still learning and the whole lighting thing is tough, I still have to bring all my photos in photoshop and adjust the curves and lightness/contrast, but hey, I am learning.

Here are a few pics I snapped of little man in a place we find ourselves quite often throughout the day...mommas bed. Any photo taking tips for this newb? Any lens recommendations. I am currently working with an old canon rebel from college.


Friday, June 20, 2014

OOooooEEeeeee, it's the weekend baby! Time to lather on some sunscreen and get some pool time in. Summer has started.

Attempting solids, this particular evening we tried carrots. Pretty surprised he liked them since we are not a fan of our other fellow orange vegetable mr. sweet potato, but hey I am not complaining. I read somewhere that it takes 13 tries to get your kid on board with a food he seems to have an aversion to. I think we are on try number 7 for sweet potato...I will not give up!

We spent fathers day with my family and the in-laws so the day before we went out for pizza as a family of three. Think this may be our new fathers day tradition.

Going to share this recipe as soon as I get my hands on another watermelon, but I made this amaze strawberry jalapeño margarita with the vitamix the other night.

post swim baby booty and tan lines

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